My grandfather
Email to Iris
Why I didn't know my grandfather
The young man in the photo on the left is my grandfather. He was born on 30.11.1901 in Grambergen near Osnabrueck. Unfortunately I never became acquainted with him because he died in World War 2. Only a few of his family are well known because my father doesn't remember much of him. That made me curious.
Naturally I wanted to bring a little light into the darkness. Since that time I am looking worldwide for all descendants and ancestors of the Deitemeyers. The research results I gathered are posted on this Website.
I am constantly updating this site. If you have any question, send simply a [email] to me. I am pleased about each new contact or reference, which helps me with my search.

I would not like to forget this: A greeting to all who have helped me with the structure of the website, particularly to you Tim.

Enjoy your reading!

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